Dr. Gerd Micheluzzi
Photo: Katja Klein
Research associate
Gerd Micheluzzi is primarily concerned with the artistic legacy of the 14th-16th centuries in Italy, with his research interests revolving in particular around the intersection of art history and the history of science. In his PhD project, he focussed on the phenomenon of the cast shadow, its functional dimensions in medieval and early modern painting and the corresponding discourse in optical, encyclopaedic and literary sources. Under the working title Im Punkt Unendlichkeit, he is currently examining early modern imaginaries of the aesthetic unfolding of power (ca. 1300-1600), essentially based on the artistic and philosophical question of the spatially and temporally compressed and concentrated.
In March 2021 Gerd Micheluzzi joined the DFG-Centre for Advanced Studies Imaginaria of Force at the University of Hamburg, where he is also a Researcher at the Department of Art History. Gerd Micheluzzi earned his BA and MA in Art History at the University of Graz and completed his PhD in October 2023 at the University of Vienna (with distinction). From 2016–2019 he was a Junior Researcher at the University of Vienna, supervised by Univ.–Prof. Dr. Michael Viktor Schwarz. Various grants and scholarships enabled him to carry out research at the Austrian Historical Institute of Culture in Rome (Austrian Academy of Sciences), the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, and the Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz (Max-Planck-Institut).
Edited Volumes:
- Together with Frank Fehrenbach, Laura Isengard and Cornelia Zumbusch: Wahrnehmungskräfte – Kräfte wahrnehmen. Dynamiken der Kräfte in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur, vol. VII of the series »Imaginarien der Kraft« (De Gruyter), 2024.
- As a guest editor together with Yael Barash and Dominic Dold: Medieval Images of Science (c. 1175 to 1500): Domains and Disciplines, Methods and Epistemic Tools (preliminary title), in: Science in Context, Cambridge University Press (accepted; expected in 2025)
- Gerd Mathias Micheluzzi: „den liebhabern der Mathematischen künste“. Operative und materielle Potenziale der Holzschnitte zur Altimetrie bei Peter Apian, in: MEMO 11 (2024), online: https://memo.imareal.sbg.ac.at/wsarticle/memo/den-liebhabern-der-mathematischen-kuenste/.
- Together with Frank Fehrenbach, Laura Isengard and Cornelia Zumbusch: Wahrnehmungskräfte – Kräfte wahrnehmen. Zur Einführung, in: eid. (eds.): Wahrnehmungskräfte – Kräfte wahrnehmen. Dynamiken der Kräfte in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur, vol. VII of the series »Imaginarien der Kraft« (De Gruyter), 2024.
- Palpate et videte. Taktilität als Mittel visueller Bekräftigung in Pietro Lorenzettis Tarlati Polyptychon, in: Frank Fehrenbach, Laura Isengard, Gerd Micheluzzi and Cornelia Zumbusch (eds.): Wahrnehmungskräfte – Kräfte wahrnehmen. Dynamiken der Kräfte in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur, vol. VII of the series »Imaginarien der Kraft« (De Gruyter), 2024.
- Kristina Kogler / Alexander Marx / Gerd Micheluzzi, Narrare. Reflexionen über die Anwendung von Erzähltheorie auf das Mittelalter, in: Vienna Doctoral Academy – Medieval Academy (Hg.), Narrare – Ordinare – Producere. Neue Zugänge zum Mittelalter, Wien 2021, pp. 13–27 (OpenAccess publication, online: https://depot.phaidra.at/detail_object/o:264).
- Micheluzzi, Gerd, Apostolorum Gloriosissimus Princeps. St. Peter Healing the Sick with his Shadow in Late Medieval painting between the Acts and the Golden Legend, in: Stanislava Kuzmova and Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky (eds.), Mary, the Apostles, and the Last Judgment: Apocryphal Representations from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Budapest 2020, pp. 187–220.
- Micheluzzi, Gerd, Der Schlagschatten im Trecento am Beispiel von Taddeo Gaddis Verkündigung an die Hirten, in: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 180/2015, pp. 98–120.
- Il lessico “de ombra e lume”, Sektion III der internationalen Konferenz: Il “Libro di pittura” di Leonardo da Vinci e la cultura europea: tradurre e interpretare, Vinci, Biblioteca Leonardiana (05.10.2024)
- Schatten, die Gestalt vergegenwärtigen. Zur Praktik des Schattenrisses im sogenannten Mittelalter, Sektion 16: Schattenseiten und Schattenbilder, VII. Forum Kunst des Mittelalters, Jena (26.09.2024)
- Intercessio umbraculo. Zur Virtualität des Göttlichen in Darstellungen der Schattenheilung Petri (ca. 1279–1427), IMAREAL – Universität Salzburg im Rahmen des Workshops „Körper und Räume des Virtuellen“ (11.07.2024)
- Gelobter Mangel: Zur Funktion des Schlagschattens zwischen frühneuzeitlicher Kunst, Naturphilosophie und ‚pattern recognition‘, Gastvortrag an der Universität Salzburg / Universität Mozarteum im Rahmen der Ring-Vorlesung "Schatten und Schattenseiten: Erkundungen in Kunst und Wissenschaft“ (06.06.2024)
- Lichtes Maß – maßvolles Licht. Überlegungen zur Verflechtung frühneuzeitlicher Kunst und angewandter Mathematik, Abendvortrag an der Universität Rostock – Institut für Physik (08.02.2024)
- A Matter of Movement: Aristotle and Tactile Pheonomena in Trecento Painting, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, session Material Entanglements in Medieval Italian Art (03.07.2023)
- Forza degli sbattimenti, oder: Wie Masaccios Perspektivkonstruktion mit Sehkraft, Dunkelkammern und Höhenmessungen zusammenhängt, invited by Uni.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Madersbacher, University of Innsbruck (16.05.2023)
- Shadows of Change: Understanding Medieval Art with Theories of Science, Conference: Philosophical Perspectives on Medieval Theories of Science, MPIWG Berlin (29.09.2022)
- A Matter of Movement: Aristotle and Tactile Pheonomena in Trecento Painting, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, Session Material Entanglements in Medieval Italian Art (03.07.2023)
- Forza degli sbattimenti, oder: Wie Masaccios Perspektivkonstruktion mit Sehkraft, Dunkelkammern und Höhenmessungen zusammenhängt, Gastvortrag auf Einladung von Uni.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Madersbacher, Universität Innsbruck (16.05.2023)
- Shadows of Change: Understanding Medieval Art with Theories of Science, Tagung: Philosophical Perspectives on Medieval Theories of Science, MPIWG Berlin (29.09.2022)
- The Force of Privation. How Cast Shadows Accentuate Spatial and Ontological Boundaries in Trecentesque Painting, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, Session Breaking the Boundary - Forces and Counter-Forces in Medieval Italian Art (06.07.2022)
- Von größerer Kraft? Phänomene der Dunkelheit und Finsternis in frühneuzeitlicher Kunst und Naturphilosophie, invited by Prof. Dr. Daniela Hacke, Freie Universität Berlin, Forschungskolloquium Kulturgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit (27.06.2022)
- Ex luminis privatione. Cast shadows as spatial references in Pietro Lorenzetti’s Assisi Passion Cycle, International Congress on Medieval Studies 2022, Kalamazoo, Section Encountering the Sacred in Medieval Italian Spaces (13.05.2022)
- Der Schatten zeigt das Licht? Erkundungsgänge durch Kunst und Naturphilosophie des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts, Abendvortrag an der Universität Rostock – Institut für Physik, im Rahmen des Symposiums zum Day of Light 2022, invited by Wiebke Loseries (16.02.2022)
- Illustrationen des Codex Altonensis: Imaginierte und dargestellte Überzeugungskraft, Abendvortrag am Christianeum Hamburg zum Dante-Jubiläum, invited by Björn Baron von Maydell (21.10.2021; nochmals am 16.06.2022)
- Response – Lecture by Sophie Dieberger: Troja im Trecento. Organisation, Gestaltung und Funktion des Illustrationszyklus des Roman de Troie Cod. 2571 (Wien, ÖNB). PhD–Colloquium of the Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies, Research Cluster Art History and Visual Culture (16.01.2021)
- Evening Lecture – Von Raum und Zeit. Der Schatten als literarisches und künstlerisches Motiv im hohen und späten Mittelalter. University of Vienna, Arbeitskreis Wiener Altgermanistik, invited by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Meyer (09.01.2020)
- Guest Lecture – „To see more, in this the mind declines“? Dante Alighieri and Cecco d’Ascoli on shadows. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Department of Philosophy, Medieval Gatherings. Meetings and discussions on medieval philosophy and beyond, invited by Nicola Polloni Ph.D. (19.12.2019)
- Quasi naturalis iuris? Medieval Cast Shadows between Art and Science. Summer School: Structuring Nature, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin / Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science Berlin (28.07–03.08.2019)
- Apostolorum Gloriosissimus Princeps. St. Peter Healing the Sick with his Shadow in Late Medieval Painting between Acts and Golden Legend – A Critical Appraisal. International Medieval Congress Leeds (01.–04.07.2019)
- “Un’invenzione dantesca, dai trecentisti non voluta intendere”? Cast Shadows in Early Modern Painting. An Attempt in Deconstructing the General Narrative. Conference: Same Old Things? Re-Telling the Italian Renaissance, Courtauld Institute of Art in London (03.05.2019)
- Response – Lecture by Jan Cemper-Kiesslich: Bio- und molekulararchäologische Überlegungen zur Reliquienforschung Theoretische Erwägungen, Kasuistiken und eine kritische Evaluierung. Conference: Narrare – Ordinare – Producere, organized by the Vienna Doctoral Academy – Medieval Academy, University of Vienna (07.–09.03.2019)
- Moderation – 3rd panel, Conference: Narrare – Ordinare – Producere, organized by the Vienna Doctoral Academy – Medieval Academy, University of Vienna (07.–09.03.2019)
- Posterpresentation – Title: Shadows. Function and Genesis of Cast Shadows in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Painting. Conference: Narrare – Ordinare – Producere, organized by the Vienna Doctoral Academy – Medieval Academy, University of Vienna (07.–09.03.2019)
- „Non vi maravigliate; ma credete“! Die Darstellung des Schlagschattens im Trecento als reflexive Form? Colloquium of Prof. Wolf-Dietrich Löhr, Freie Universität zu Berlin (12.02.2019)
- Apostolorum Gloriosissimus Princeps. Die Darstellung der Schattenheilung Petri im Kontext spätmittelalterlicher Kirchenpolitik – Eine Neubewertung. Workshop: Neue Tendenzen der Italienforschung, Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Max-Planck-Institute (03.–04.12.2018)
- Moderation – 1st panel, Conference: Das Buch als Medium – Mittelalterliche Handschriften und ihre Funktionen, Department of Art History, University of Vienna (01.–02.09.2017)
- Zwischen Illusion und Allusion: Die spätantike Schlagschattendarstellung am Beispiel von Santa Maria Maggiore in Rom. Austrian Historical Institute of Culture in Rome (13.–14.06.2017)
- No Cast Shadows in Post-Classical Italy before Masaccio? An Attempt in Deconstructing an Art-Historical Topos. Giotto Circle, Courtauld Institute of Art in London (13.02.2017)
- Fiat umbra! Die Wiederentdeckung des Schlagschattens im Trecento. Conference: Umbriferi prefazi, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (03.–05.07.2014)
University of Hamburg, Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar:
- WiSe 2024/25, Seminar together with Frank Fehrenbach: Giotto und Giotteskes – Franziskus und Franziskanisches. Zur Entstehung und Verbreitung ‚einprägsamer Bilder‘ (1226–ca. 1400); followed by an excursion to Assisi with Frank Fehrenbach (6 days)
- WiSe 2022/23, Proseminar together with Ivo Raband: Einführung in die Beschreibung von Malerei und Skulptur an Florentiner Beispielen, 1300–1500; with an excursion to Berlin (Januar 2023 together with Ivo Raband; one day) as well as an excursion to Florence (March 2023 together with Ivo Raband and Frank Fehrenbach; one week)
- WiSe 2021/22, Seminar: Bilder jenseits der Erfahrung. Illustrationen der Göttlichen Komödie des Dante Alighieri
- WiSe 2021/22, Excursion: Hamburger Bibliotheca Christianei und das Kupferstichkabinett der Hamburger Kunsthalle; im Anschluss an das Seminar: Bilder jenseits der Erfahrung. Illustrationen der Göttlichen Komödie des Dante Alighieri
- SoSe 2021, Seminar: On the art of making the invisible present: reflections, shadows and other light effects from medieval to modern art
- WiSe 2020/21, Study Tour: Uffizi Gallery Florence (online): Giotto's legacy: tradition, transformation and innovation in the painting of the Italian Trecento
- WiSe 2020/21, Seminar (online): Giotto's legacy: tradition, transformation and innovation in the painting of the Italian Trecento
Technical University of Berlin, Department of Philosophy-, Literature-, Science- and Technical History:
- WiSe 2019/20: Afternoon-session at the Hauptseminar Ancient and Medieval visions of Light and Color, by Prof. Dr. Katja Krause and Nicola Polloni Ph.D. (20.12.2019)
University of Vienna, Department of Art History:
- SoSe 2018, Proseminar II/III: Bildlicht und Lichteffekte von Giotto bis Leonardo da Vinci
- WiSe 2017/18, Seminar (assistant): Vom armarium zum idea shop. Bibliotheken von der Antike bis in die Zukunft, held by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Viktor Schwarz and Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Mag.art. Robert Stalla
- WiSe 2016/17, Seminar (assistant): Malerei und Buchmalerei im Trecento-Florenz, held by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Viktor Schwarz
Research project
Cast shadows. More powerful than light and yet deficiency
According to Leonardo da Vinci, the ambivalent phenomenon of the shadow can be characterized as a deficiency of light (privatione di luce), while being of greater power (di maggiore potenzia) due to its ability to veil bodies entirely. In particular, the powerful nature of the shadow is evident where Leonardo speaks of the strike or impact (percussione) of a very specific form of shadow: the cast shadow.
Cast shadows are already referred to as vim naturae or privatio in medieval sources, whereby the latter is to be thought of as dependent on Aristotelian hylomorphism: as an accidental deficiency, which, added to matter, gives it the potency to unfold a dynamis directed towards Being – regarding shadows towards a potential state of light. Of particular interest in this context is the coincidence of several writings on optics, which circulated especially in the Franciscan milieu of the 13th century, with some purposefully placed trecentesque depictions of the cast shadow in central Italy.
Comprising several case studies, the aim of the recently completed art historical project was to reveal these interdependencies and to provide evidence that under very specific conditions the reintegration of the cast shadow as vim naturae already took place in advance of its supposed return in early 15th century painting.
Conferences and Conference Sections
- Conference: Philosophical Perspectives on Medieval Theories of Science, together with Yael Barash (Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv) and Dominic Dold (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin); Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin (27.–29.09.2022)
- Conference Section: Breaking the Boundary - Forces and Counter-Forces in Medieval Italian Art, together with Isabella Augart and Tanja Hinterholz, supported by Forschungsnetzwerk Italienforschung and DFG-CAS »Imaginaria of Force«, International Medieval Congress, Leeds (06.07.2022)
- Conference of the DFG-CAS »Imaginaria of Force«: Wahrnehmungskräfte – Kräfte wahrnehmen. Dynamiken der Sinne in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur, together with Laura Isengard, Warburg-Haus Hamburg (09.–11.06.2022); Conference Report: Dennis Borghardt, Tagungsbericht zu: Wahrnehmungskräfte – Kräfte wahrnehmen. Dynamiken der Sinne in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur. H-Germanistik, 01.07.2022 (available online: https://networks.h-net.org/node/79435/discussions/10434408/tagb-wahrnehmungskräfte-–-kräfte-wahrnehmen-dynamiken-der-sinne)
- Conference: Narrare–Ordinare–Producere. New Approaches to the Middle Ages, co-organizer, coordinator and speaker Section »Narrare«, Universität Wien (07.–09.03.2019)
- Poster Exhibition: Einbildungskraft in ‚Gold und andern Farben‘. Illustrationen der Göttlichen Komödie am Beispiel des Codex Altonensis; Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar of Universität Hamburg, Conception together with students of the seminar Bilder jenseits der Erfahrung. Illustrationen der Göttlichen Komödie des Dante Alighieri in WiSe 2021/22, opening on 08.06.2022
Funding and memberships
- 2022: Together with Dominic Dold und Yael Barash at the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), ‘International Scientific Events and Annual Conferences of Scientific and Academic Associations’ for the conference Philosophical Perspectives on Medieval Theories of Science (27.–29.09.2022)
- 2019–20: Marietta Blau Stipendium des Österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung/Österreichischer akademischer Austauschdienst (OeAD)
- 2016–19: Uni:docs-Fellowship for Doctoral Candidates, excellence-program by the University of Vienna
- 2016: Rome-grant, Austrian Academy of Science (OeAW)
- 2012: Research grant, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
Associate Member/Researcher:
- Medieval History and Philosophy of Science Discussion Group (since 2020)
- Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies, Research Cluster Art History and Visual Culture (since 2020)
- Research association Visual Cultural History – Cultures and Media of the Visual, HFK Visuelle Kulturgeschichte – Medien des Visuellen, University of Vienna (since 2018)
- Vienna Doctoral Academy – Medieval Academy (2016–20)